Angelic Academy

Cultivating the Soul Connection
The Angelic Academy provides
training with the certified program, where you will be trained as an
Intuitive Angelic Practitioner. The Angelic Academy is a
non-denominational spiritual healing method that involves working
with a person’s Guardian Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters and
Nature Spirits, to heal and harmonize every aspect of life.
Three part Program. This
offers a creative tool for individuals,
therapists and teachers to access and communicate with the Heavenly
realm to gain wisdom and knowledge.
Part 1
Learn how to hear and communicate with your Angels.
Creating the quiet space to meet
your Guardian Angel.
Part 2
The Invocation to set the space to receive clear concise guidance.
Incorporating tools such as Oracle Cards, a Pendulum, and
nature to receive messages.
Part 3
Learn to Trust. Working with Archangels to bring peace, love and joy
into your life. Becoming an Agent of Change. Prerequisites:
Part 1 & Part 2.
Learn more: or call 516-635-7248