March 2025


“What lies behind us and what lies before us is tiny matter compared to what lies within us.

Ralph Waldo Emerson


“When I look up and I see the sun cascading out beyond the clouds, I feel the power of the universe. The power of love. The power of truth. “ Messages Are Everywhere” by Kathleen Bradley.


The power comes from an inner connection with the Divine. It is in the times of quiet meditation where I open a space of simply being. I step away from the mental chatter. Once I relax with my breath, I connect with my I Am presence. I am open and curious without needing any answers. I know this simple time of contemplation offers me everything I need, without expectation or attachment.


If you’ve plugged into what’s going on out there, you may have noticed it brings up some anxiety, fear and/or judgements. It’s very hard to discern, if we’ve allowed ourselves to get caught up with it mentally and emotionally. It feels very uncomfortable and confusing.


The answers aren’t out there. The wisdom of truth lies within. When we realize the powerful light pouring in, is assisting us by bringing up that which no longer serves us- we begin the work, by simply releasing it. The old programming of fear, separation and limiting beliefs needs to be dismantled and let go. We are here to transcend and transform all anomalies; of blame, shame, doubt, fear, anger, and judgment. Once we become aware of what triggers us, we can change. A journey of self evaluation isn’t necessarily enjoyable, however when done with kindness and compassion it avails the answers to us. Allow yourself to receive with an open heart.


I slept for hours this afternoon and felt intensely worked on. So much powerful light is pouring in, recreating us. We will need more rest, more quietude, and more ME time. It is essential. In a state of listening grace, allow your I Am Presence to support and encourage you during this wondrous and simultaneously challenging time.


While moving through my own awakening, I have become aware my inner perception mirrors my outer world. If I don’t like what I’m experiencing I could handle it in one of two ways; I could get caught up in the mental process, which is arduous and often confusing, or I could connect with my I am presence and allow the answers and wisdom to pour forth. Sometimes the answers occurred through teachers, sometimes in the everyday occurrences, and other times through allowing the energies to simply serve from the space of my light- my imagination.



It can seem overwhelming when you don’t know where to begin. I assure you, the challenges, tests and symptoms you are experiencing, are not a punishment. Rather, they are a part of your transformational process, in order to gain access to wondrous unlimited new possibilities. If you feel you are ready for the giant leap in self awareness we are being offered, simply state your intention. You will then be directed to the information and “teacher” that is most appropriate for you. If you are guided to connect with me on this magical journey, I promise you, you won’t be sorry!


Your inner light is your guiding light!



Kathy Bradley


International Bestselling Author, Consciousness Facilitator and Founder www.KathyBradleyandtheAngels.com



Angelic Guidance Oracle Deck

To purchase this deck, see below.


Visit and join my Facebook Group by clicking here.

Instagram @kathleenbradley444


Facebook link for The Blue Light Sanctuary




The Light Becomes You: Manifesting Your Soul's Desires 

by Kathleen Bradley



The Light Becomes You: Manifesting Your Soul's Desires 


by Kathleen Bradley


Learn more about the book and The Empowerment Process.   


The Light Becomes You


Heavenly Guidance







Welcome to the Blue Light Sanctuary


The Blue Light Sanctuary is an energetic space, an etheric temple created by a small group of people guided by teachers of light and the wisdom of Soul, for the purpose of supporting states of health and well-being for all humanity. This structure of coherent light was formed with focused intention. High-vibrational frequencies, sound codes, and geometries were woven together to provide comfort and upliftment for all who enter this sacred space. 


The way to the Sanctuary is within you! 


This is a space for healing and rest.

The Sanctuary was created as a service project for the benefit of all humanity. There is no charge or cost involved in using the Sanctuary. Visit often, and stay as long as you like!


Facebook link:

Blue Light Sanctuary | Facebook



*** Angelic Oracle Deck***


New Angelic Guidance deck is comprised of 44 beautiful uplifting cards with inspiring messages to provide you with clear answers and gentle guidance. Experience the loving wisdom that permeates this precious deck, and allow it to guide you in creating a happy, peaceful and fulfilling life.


To purchase this deck, click here: Angelic Guidance Oracle Deck


Angelic Readings In Person, by phone or on Zoom.


If there were a way for you to connect and learn valuable guidance from the Heavenly realm, you'd want to know about it, wouldn't you?


Angelic readings provide clarity on every aspect of your life. Whether you need help in living a stress free life, or have questions about home and family, work or love.


If you want to know what your life purpose may be ~ Your angels have the answers you have been searching for!


Your Angels are waiting to answer any and all of your questions, and to bring messages of hope, peace and love. The messages provide clarity and direction on how best to proceed. Book your session for either an hour or a half hour, and record it so you can go back and gleam helpful insights.


Kathy is eager to assist with your personal expansion and is available to provide personal readings and messages from the Angelic Realm to heal and harmonize every aspect of life.


Simply click the link below to set up your Angelic Reading with Kathy:

Book appointment

Click here to make your appointment with Kathy Bradley now!

Give Love, Joy and Serenity ...
Gift Certificates are available!
To purchase, please call 516-635-7248 or email kathybradleyconsulting@yahoo.com

Workshops & Events


Life Coaching


Personal and Professional life coaching with Kathy Bradley

….getting Better and Better!!


*Is there a disparity between your daily existence, with it’s routines

and habits, and the dream YOU have deep within yourself?


*Are YOU ready to embrace a more rewarding life both personally and Professionally?


If you are seeking greater serenity and clarity and are ready to release

worry and stress, then let Kathy help you move into the flow of improved inner peace and well-being.


You will be provided the tools to bring you to a centered, calm and commanding space. You will move into your Self Mastery.




Please schedule your appointment: kathybradleyconsulting@yahoo.com or 516-635-7248





It reduces stress, increases energy and enhances creativity.


Investment --- $100.00

Book a session: kathybradleyconsulting@yahoo.com or call 516-635-7248




Long Distance Reiki


If you are seeking greater serenity and striving to release worry and stress, then let Reiki help you move into the flow of improved inner peace 

and well-being.


If you would like support, relaxation and stress reduction, please click here to see what best fits your needs. Long Distance Reiki


 Reiki is one modality that easily lends itself to long distance sessions. The healing energy flows across any distance for the Highest Good of the recipient. Sessions are powerful and uplifting, and will help you relax deeply.


Guided Meditation + Reiki Healing Energy

30 minutes - $40.00


Reiki Healing Energy + Angel Card Reading

30 minutes - $40.00


To Book:kathybradleyconsulting@yahoo.com or 516-635-7248





The Empowerment Process
Provides Simple Yet Powerful Tools to Assist You During These Challenging Times
If there were a way for you to you release fear, limitation, stress, anger, worry and anxiety, you’d want to know about it wouldn’t you? 
The Empowerment Program provides the simple yet powerful steps to awaken and guide you in your transformation, so you can experience a fulfilling, peaceful life.
Call 516-635-7248 or email kathybradleyconsulting@yahoo.com to set up a complimentary exploratory session.
Program consisting of online recorded classes Plus weekly private sessions.
See what others are saying...
“Kathy Bradley's new book, 'The Light Becomes You', explains an Empowerment process that allows us to create a better life. A life where we choose which path to select; a life where we feel good despite external circumstances; a life free of past 'baggage' and future concerns; a life where we are in control, feeling confident, certain, and at peace. We then began the 11-week Empowerment program. It is a matter of changing prior patterns, implementing essential new habits, in place of ones that no longer serve us well. From my perspective, the book and program are priceless!” – Arlene M.


Are you ready to shift out of the noise and drama of everyday life?

Maybe you are unsure of where to begin.

Please join me and learn the powerful yet practical techniques so you may experience a more harmonious, peaceful and joyous life.
Please check out the list of services below, including: Trinfinity8, Crystal Bed Therapy- Quantum Healing, Reiki, Divine Coaching and Angelic Readings. Click on each one for more details. 
As always, feel free to contact me with any questions or to schedule your session at: 
kathybradleyconsulting@yahoo.com or 516-635-7248. 


Author, Teacher and Angel Therapy Practitioner@, Kathy offers her clients clear, concise intuitive guidance as well as the techniques and practical tools, inspiring them to awaken to their true divine path and purpose. 
BS for Business from Niagara University, Certified Interior Refiner/Designer, Mastering Alchemy, Sound Therapy & Success Signature training
  •  Reiki Master Practitioner/Teacher
  •  Angel Therapy Practitioner®
  •  Consciousness Facilitator






Kathy is available for:
Private Readings - Phone Readings - Events - Private Parties - And Fundraisers

Do you need help in discovering your true path?

Angelic Readings **BY APPOINTMENT**

To schedule a reading call (516) 635-7248
For more information including availability email: